The Gallery
Roy Henry Vickers Gallery is Roy Henry Vickers' artist-owned gallery located in Tofino, British Columbia. This stunning traditional Northwest Coast longhouse has a carved and painted cedar plank exterior and is a recognizable Tofino landmark. Inside discover Roy's artwork of paintings, original prints, calendars, art cards, and reproductions hanging on hand adzed cedar walls among totem poles and carvings. As you enter the large main hall, you'll notice the soft lighting and restful music that creates an atmosphere of harmony and peace. The gallery is open free to the public all year round. Built in 1986 with the help of Roy's family and legendary carver Henry Nolla, this gallery welcomes more than 500,000 visitors a year from all around the world. Please check the home page to see when Roy is scheduled to be storytelling at Roy Henry Vickers Gallery - this is a not to be missed attraction! Guests gather around the centre pit in the main hall to listen to stories of Roy's life, as well as inspiration of his work. Afterwards Roy is available to meet guests and autograph his reproductions.