

Edition Date: June 1989
Artist: Roy Henry Vickers
Medium: Serigraph
Image Size: 24" x 20"
Edition Size: 50

In 1979, my two partners and I bought a gillnet fishing boat called Native Bride from my uncle, Clarence Vickers, in Port Edward. My responsibility in the partnership was to be the working partner and fish Native Bride for the summer of 1979.

I returned to the seas of my childhood and fished with my Uncles and other men from Kitkatla. It was a wonderful experience to return to ancient fishing grounds with the Native Bride.

One of my first trips was to the Principle Channel and Mink Trap, a traditional fishing area for the people of Kitkatla. This view of the Native Bride is from my dinghy at five o'clock in the morning. The sun has yet to rise, but dawn has come to the coast, and the salmon moon is bidding me farewell for the day.


In 1979, my two partners and I bought a gillnet fishing boat called Native Bride from my uncle, Clarence Vickers, in Port Edward. My responsibility in the partnership was to be the working partner and fish Native Bride for the summer of 1979.

I returned to the seas of my childhood and fished with my Uncles and other men from Kitkatla. It was a wonderful experience to return to ancient fishing grounds with the Native Bride.

One of my first trips was to the Principle Channel and Mink Trap, a traditional fishing area for the people of Kitkatla. This view of the Native Bride is from my dinghy at five o'clock in the morning. The sun has yet to rise, but dawn has come to the coast, and the salmon moon is bidding me farewell for the day.